We are reporting weather more frequently during this important period for the start of the 25/26 main crops and while many stories of deficient rain in West Africa still circulate.
West Africa. Rain continues to return to Côte d’Ivoire in amounts typical of recent years. Veriground stations reported 26 mm average per site during the 30 days 16 Jan-15 Feb. VG stations at generally the same sites reported averages of 8 to 33 mm during the preceding five years 2020-2024. Forty-three of 75 sites reported some rain during the past 10 days. Rain has been heavier in Ghana. VG sites there reported 39 mm average per site during 16 Jan-15 Feb compared with 14 to 29 mm during 2020-2024. Stations at 30 of 40 sites reported at least some rain during the past 10 days.

Forecasts see light rain reaching most sites in Côte d’Ivoire sometime during 16-19 Feb followed by an increase starting on 20 Feb that reaches most sites, is heavier and extends into 21 Feb. Rain in Ghana during the coming week should be light as the rain band migrates from Ghana to Côte d’Ivoire.
No data from Nigeria. Residents reported light rain about one week ago.
Other areas. Rain in Ecuador’s cocoa areas at Veriground stations has been arriving at typical rates for the season. CRA’s preceding weather report told that rain in Sulawesi continues at rates often above normal. A fresh note about the 24/25 crop there tells that heavy rain during Dec-Jan has caused the crop’s development to slow.